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Site header image Mimansa Jaiswal
Update on Oct 4, 2024

I am actively interested in talking about industry research scientist and engineering positions in model evaluation and benchmarking, metric design, post-training alignment, model explanation, and interpretation, and, work at the intersection of LLMs and productivity or health (see publications Show information for the linked content and research notes). If you have any in mind, please reach out to me.

I am also interested in collaborations in the aforementioned areas. If you have an interesting project, and would like to collaborate or talk, or just want to talk about research in general, please pick a time slot hereShow information for the linked content.

(View my resume)

Hi, I am Mimansa

LinkedIn | GScholar | Twitter | Bluesky | Resume | ✉️ me @:

I obtained my doctorate in CS at the University of Michigan under Prof. Emily Provost as part of the CHAI group. My research focuses on developing cost-effective data collection and generation procedures, LLM orchestration schemas, and, designing evaluation methods and metrics that are interpretable and human aligned.

I've previously interned at Allen AI NLP, Facebook AI Research (FAIR) NLP, and Facebook Research Conversational AI.

Besides research, I am interested in science communication, sketchnoting, personal knowledge management and cooking.

I ❤️ cats, and they keep me sane. I have two: OreoShow information for the linked content and BertShow information for the linked content (yes, that Bert, you read it right!).

