Most LLM benchmarks are either academic or do not capture what I use them for. So, inspired by Carlini’s post, this is my own test suite.
Existing benchmarks for large language models...focused on evaluating strategy for asking the model...great for evaluating...used optimally...for academic benchmarks...But I am lazy...I do not want to remind the model...or threaten it...just want to type my question and get the right answer...this benchmark tests for that...on types of questions I've actually cared about having answered.
Convert Notion regex expression to be language agnostic Failed
explain lets(spslug, prop("Specific Slug").lower().replaceAll("[^a-z0-9_ -]", "").replaceAll("^\s+|\s+$|\s+(?=\s)/","").replaceAll("\s+", "-").replaceAll("-+", "-"), titleslug, prop("Page").lower().replaceAll("[^a-z0-9 -]", "").replaceAll("^\s+|\s+$|\s+(?=\s)/","").replaceAll("\s+", "-").replaceAll("-+", "-"), if(not(empty(spslug)) && spslug!="",spslug,titleslug))
how do i make it so that it is language independent? right now it removes everything except a-z but i want it to work for non-english characters too.
my programming language does not have \p{L} option
claude sonnet Failed
If you don't have the `\p{L}` option for Unicode character properties in your regular expression engine or programming language, you can use a different approach to make the code language-independent.
Instead of relying on Unicode character properties, you can use a whitelist approach and specify the character ranges or code points that you want to keep in the string.
Here's how you can modify the code:
let(spslug, prop("Specific Slug").lower().replaceAll("[^\\p{L}\\p{N}_\\- ]+", "").replaceAll("^\\s+|\\s+$|\\s+(?=\\s)/","").replaceAll("\\s+", "-").replaceAll("-+", "-"), titleslug, prop("Page").lower().replaceAll("[^\\p{L}\\p{N}_\\- ]+", "").replaceAll("^\\s+|\\s+$|\\s+(?=\\s)/","").replaceAll("\\s+", "-").replaceAll("-+", "-"), if(not(empty(spslug)) && spslug!="",spslug,titleslug))
In this modified code, we use a negated character class `[^...]` to match any character that is not in the specified range or set.
- `\\p{L}` matches any letter from any language or script (if supported by your regex engine)
- `\\p{N}` matches any digit from any language or script (if supported by your regex engine)
- `_` matches the underscore character
- `\\-` matches the hyphen character (needs to be escaped)
- ` ` matches the space character
The regular expression `[^\\p{L}\\p{N}_\\- ]+` will match any sequence of one or more characters that are not letters, digits, underscores, hyphens, or spaces.
This approach allows you to keep all letters, digits, underscores, hyphens, and spaces from any language or script, while removing all other characters.
If your regular expression engine doesn't support `\p{L}` and `\p{N}` for Unicode character properties, you can replace them with character ranges or code point ranges for the languages or scripts you want to support. For example, you could use `[a-zA-Z]` for basic Latin letters, or more extensive ranges like `[\u0000-\u007F]` for Basic Latin, `[\u0080-\u07FF]` for Latin-1 Supplement, and so on.
Add alias of uv shell
as source .venv/bin/activate
to .zshrc
only GPT4 Passed
uv shell
as source .venv/bin/activate
to .zshrc
only GPT4 Passed
Give me the code line to add alias of uv shell
as source .venv/bin/activate
to .zshrc
Oh wow, almost all models fail at this, because they do not recognize that you can’t directly do two word aliases in .zshrc files
Claude opus Failed
To add an alias for `source .venv/bin/activate` as `uv` in your `.zshrc` file, you can add the following line to your `.zshrc`:
alias uv='source .venv/bin/activate'
After adding this line, save the changes to your `.zshrc` file. Then, either restart your terminal or run the following command to reload the `.zshrc` configuration:
source ~/.zshrc
Now, whenever you type `uv` in your terminal and press Enter, it will execute the command `source .venv/bin/activate`, activating your virtual environment.
GPT4 Passed
To add an alias to your `.zshrc` file for the `uv shell` command so that it runs `source .venv/bin/activate`, you would add the following line to your `.zshrc` file:
alias uv="source .venv/bin/activate"
However, please note that you mentioned `uv shell` in your request, but the alias provided is just for `uv`. If you want the alias to be specifically `uv shell`, you need to use a function since aliases do not support arguments like `shell`. Here's how you can do it:
uv() {
if [[ $1 == "shell" ]]; then
source .venv/bin/activate
echo "Unknown command: $1"
This function checks if the first argument after `uv` is `shell`, and if so, it activates the virtual environment. If not, it prints an unknown command message.
Gemini Pro 1.5 Failed
alias uv='source .venv/bin/activate'
Unannotated graph to tables Failed
Claude opus Failed
Here is the data from the image converted into a table format:
Model | Refused on harmless prompts |
Claude 3 Opus | 9.8% |
Claude 3 Sonnet | 11.6% |
Claude 3 Haiku | 12.1% |
Claude 2.1 | 6.4% |
The table shows the percentage of harmless prompts incorrectly refused by different versions of Claude, an AI assistant. Claude 3 Haiku has the highest incorrect refusal rate at 12.1%, while Claude 2.1 has the lowest at 6.4%.
Gemini 1.5 Pro Failed
(order of image in chat matters, so does saying change “graph” to table. No idea why?) but closest
(order of image in chat matters, so does saying change “graph” to table. No idea why?) but closestModel | Prompt | Refused |
Claude 3 | Opus | 10% |
Claude 3 | Sonnet | 10% |
Claude 3 | Haiku | 10% |
Claude 2.1 | 25% |
Claude sonnet Failed
Here is the data from the image converted to a table:
Model | Incorrect refusals (XSTest) |
Claude 3 Opus | 0.06 |
Claude 3 Sonnet | 0.23 |
Claude 3 Haiku | 0.28 |
Claude 2.1 | 0.17 |
Claude 2.0 | 0.24 |
Gemini 1.5 pro Failed
but closest
but closestIncorrect Refusal Rates on XSTest
Model | Log Scale |
Claude 3 Opus | 0.08 |
Claude 3 Sonnet | 0.33 |
Claude 3 Haiku | 0.33 |
Claude 2.1 | 0.25 |
Claude 2.0 | 0.25 |
Long Context
LaTex to Typst Failed
- I want to convert
file to.typ
file for Learning Typst. I decided to upload the whole code to gemini 1.5 pro with the following prompt.Promptconvert this sty file made for latex to typ format:%%%% COLM Macros (LaTex)%%%% Adapted by Hugo Larochelle from the NIPS stylefile Macros%%%% Style File%%%% Dec 12, 1990 Rev Aug 14, 1991; Sept, 1995; April, 1997; April, 1999; October 2014% This file can be used with Latex2e whether running in main mode, or% 2.09 compatibility mode.%% If using main mode, you need to include the commands% \documentclass{article}% \usepackage{colm14submit_e}%% Palatino font\RequirePackage{tgpagella} % text only\RequirePackage{mathpazo} % math & text% Change the overall width of the page. If these parameters are% changed, they will require corresponding changes in the% maketitle section.%\usepackage{eso-pic} % used by \AddToShipoutPicture\RequirePackage{fancyhdr}\RequirePackage{natbib}% modification to natbib citations\setcitestyle{authoryear,round,citesep={;},aysep={,},yysep={;}}\renewcommand{\topfraction}{0.95} % let figure take up nearly whole page\renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.05} % let figure take up nearly whole page% Define colmfinal, set to true if colmfinalcopy is defined\newif\ifcolmfinal\colmfinalfalse\def\colmfinalcopy{\colmfinaltrue}\font\colmtenhv = phvb at 8pt% Specify the dimensions of each page\setlength{\paperheight}{11in}\setlength{\paperwidth}{8.5in}\oddsidemargin .5in % Note \oddsidemargin = \evensidemargin\evensidemargin .5in\marginparwidth 0.07 true in%\marginparwidth 0.75 true in%\topmargin 0 true pt % Nominal distance from top of page to top of%\topmargin 0.125in\topmargin -0.625in\addtolength{\headsep}{0.25in}\textheight 9.0 true in % Height of text (including footnotes & figures)\textwidth 5.5 true in % Width of text line.\widowpenalty=10000\clubpenalty=10000% \thispagestyle{empty} \pagestyle{empty}\flushbottom \sloppy% We're never going to need a table of contents, so just flush it to% save space --- suggested by drstrip@sandia-2\def\addcontentsline#1#2#3{}% Title stuff, taken from deproc.\def\maketitle{\par\begingroup \def\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}} \def\@makefnmark{\hbox to 0pt{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}} % for perfect author % name centering% The footnote-mark was overlapping the footnote-text,% added the following to fix this problem (MK) \long\def\@makefntext##1{\parindent 1em\noindent \hbox to1.8em{\hss $\m@th ^{\@thefnmark}$}##1} \@maketitle \@thanks\endgroup\setcounter{footnote}{0}\let\maketitle\relax \let\@maketitle\relax\gdef\@thanks{}\gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}\let\thanks\relax}% The toptitlebar has been raised to top-justify the first page\usepackage{fancyhdr}\pagestyle{fancy}\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{1.5pt}\fancyhead{}% Title (includes both anonimized and non-anonimized versions)\def\@maketitle{\vbox{\hsize\textwidth%\linewidth\hsize \vskip 0.1in \toptitlebar \centering{\Large\bf \@title\par}%\bottomtitlebar % \vskip 0.1in % minus\ifcolmfinal \lhead{Published as a conference paper at COLM 2024} \def\And{\end{tabular}\hfil\linebreak[0]\hfil \begin{tabular}[t]{l}\bf\rule{\z@}{24pt}\ignorespaces}% \def\AND{\end{tabular}\hfil\linebreak[4]\hfil \begin{tabular}[t]{l}\bf\rule{\z@}{24pt}\ignorespaces}% \begin{tabular}[t]{l}\bf\rule{\z@}{24pt}\@author\end{tabular}%\else \lhead{Under review as a conference paper at COLM 2024} \def\And{\end{tabular}\hfil\linebreak[0]\hfil \begin{tabular}[t]{l}\bf\rule{\z@}{24pt}\ignorespaces}% \def\AND{\end{tabular}\hfil\linebreak[4]\hfil \begin{tabular}[t]{l}\bf\rule{\z@}{24pt}\ignorespaces}% \begin{tabular}[t]{l}\bf\rule{\z@}{24pt}Anonymous authors\\Paper under double-blind review\end{tabular}%\fi\vskip 0.3in minus 0.1in}}\renewenvironment{abstract}{\vskip.075in\centerline{\large\bfAbstract}\vspace{0.5ex}\begin{quote}}{\par\end{quote}\vskip 1ex}% sections with less space\def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}{-2.0ex plus -0.5ex minus -.2ex}{1.5ex plus 0.3exminus0.2ex}{\large\bf\raggedright}}\def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}{-1.8ex plus-0.5ex minus -.2ex}{0.8ex plus .2ex}{\normalsize\raggedright}}\def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}{-1.5explus -0.5ex minus -.2ex}{0.5ex plus.2ex}{\normalsize\raggedright}}\def\paragraph{\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{\z@}{1.5ex plus0.5ex minus .2ex}{-1em}{\normalsize\bf}}\def\subparagraph{\@startsection{subparagraph}{5}{\z@}{1.5ex plus 0.5ex minus .2ex}{-1em}{\normalsize}}\def\subsubsubsection{\vskip5pt{\noindent\normalsize\rm\raggedright}}% Footnotes\footnotesep 6.65pt %\skip\footins 9pt plus 4pt minus 2pt\def\footnoterule{\kern-3pt \hrule width 12pc \kern 2.6pt }\setcounter{footnote}{0}% Lists and paragraphs\parindent 0pt\topsep 4pt plus 1pt minus 2pt\partopsep 1pt plus 0.5pt minus 0.5pt\itemsep 2pt plus 1pt minus 0.5pt\parsep 2pt plus 1pt minus 0.5pt\parskip .5pc%\leftmargin2em\leftmargin3pc\leftmargini\leftmargin \leftmarginii 2em\leftmarginiii 1.5em \leftmarginiv 1.0em \leftmarginv .5em%\labelsep \labelsep 5pt\def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini}\def\@listii{\leftmargin\leftmarginii \labelwidth\leftmarginii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep 2pt plus 1pt minus 0.5pt \parsep 1pt plus 0.5pt minus 0.5pt \itemsep \parsep}\def\@listiii{\leftmargin\leftmarginiii \labelwidth\leftmarginiii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep 1pt plus 0.5pt minus 0.5pt \parsep \z@ \partopsep 0.5pt plus 0pt minus 0.5pt \itemsep \topsep}\def\@listiv{\leftmargin\leftmarginiv \labelwidth\leftmarginiv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep}\def\@listv{\leftmargin\leftmarginv \labelwidth\leftmarginv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep}\def\@listvi{\leftmargin\leftmarginvi \labelwidth\leftmarginvi\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep}\abovedisplayskip 7pt plus2pt minus5pt%\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip\abovedisplayshortskip 0pt plus3pt%\belowdisplayshortskip 4pt plus3pt minus3pt%% Less leading in most fonts (due to the narrow columns)% The choices were between 1-pt and 1.5-pt leading%\def\@normalsize{\@setsize\normalsize{11pt}\xpt\@xpt} % got rid of @ (MK)\def\normalsize{\@setsize\normalsize{11pt}\xpt\@xpt}\def\small{\@setsize\small{10pt}\ixpt\@ixpt}\def\footnotesize{\@setsize\footnotesize{10pt}\ixpt\@ixpt}\def\scriptsize{\@setsize\scriptsize{8pt}\viipt\@viipt}\def\tiny{\@setsize\tiny{7pt}\vipt\@vipt}\def\large{\@setsize\large{14pt}\xiipt\@xiipt}\def\Large{\@setsize\Large{16pt}\xivpt\@xivpt}\def\LARGE{\@setsize\LARGE{20pt}\xviipt\@xviipt}\def\huge{\@setsize\huge{23pt}\xxpt\@xxpt}\def\Huge{\@setsize\Huge{28pt}\xxvpt\@xxvpt}\def\toptitlebar{\hrule height4pt\vskip .25in\vskip-\parskip}\def\bottomtitlebar{\vskip .29in\vskip-\parskip\hrule height1pt\vskip.09in} %%Reduced second vskip to compensate for adding the strut in \@author%% % Vertical Ruler%% % This code is, largely, from the CVPR 2010 conference style file%% % ----- define vruler%% \makeatletter%% \newbox\colmrulerbox%% \newcount\colmrulercount%% \newdimen\colmruleroffset%% \newdimen\cv@lineheight%% \newdimen\cv@boxheight%% \newbox\cv@tmpbox%% \newcount\cv@refno%% \newcount\cv@tot%% % NUMBER with left flushed zeros \fillzeros[<WIDTH>]<NUMBER>%% \newcount\cv@tmpc@ \newcount\cv@tmpc%% \def\fillzeros[#1]#2{\cv@tmpc@=#2\relax\ifnum\cv@tmpc@<0\cv@tmpc@=-\cv@tmpc@\fi%% \cv@tmpc=1 %%% \loop\ifnum\cv@tmpc@<10 \else \divide\cv@tmpc@ by 10 \advance\cv@tmpc by 1 \fi%% \ifnum\cv@tmpc@=10\relax\cv@tmpc@=11\relax\fi \ifnum\cv@tmpc@>10 \repeat%% \ifnum#2<0\advance\cv@tmpc1\relax-\fi%% \loop\ifnum\cv@tmpc<#1\relax0\advance\cv@tmpc1\relax\fi \ifnum\cv@tmpc<#1 \repeat%% \cv@tmpc@=#2\relax\ifnum\cv@tmpc@<0\cv@tmpc@=-\cv@tmpc@\fi \relax\the\cv@tmpc@}%%% % \makevruler[<SCALE>][<INITIAL_COUNT>][<STEP>][<DIGITS>][<HEIGHT>]%% \def\makevruler[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5]{\begingroup\offinterlineskip%% \textheight=#5\vbadness=10000\vfuzz=120ex\overfullrule=0pt%%% \global\setbox\colmrulerbox=\vbox to \textheight{%%% {\parskip=0pt\hfuzz=150em\cv@boxheight=\textheight%% \cv@lineheight=#1\global\colmrulercount=#2%%% \cv@tot\cv@boxheight\divide\cv@tot\cv@lineheight\advance\cv@tot2%%% \cv@refno1\vskip-\cv@lineheight\vskip1ex%%% \loop\setbox\cv@tmpbox=\hbox to0cm{{\colmtenhv\hfil\fillzeros[#4]\colmrulercount}}%%% \ht\cv@tmpbox\cv@lineheight\dp\cv@tmpbox0pt\box\cv@tmpbox\break%% \advance\cv@refno1\global\advance\colmrulercount#3\relax%% \ifnum\cv@refno<\cv@tot\repeat}}\endgroup}%%% \makeatother%% % ----- end of vruler%% % \makevruler[<SCALE>][<INITIAL_COUNT>][<STEP>][<DIGITS>][<HEIGHT>]%% \def\colmruler#1{\makevruler[12pt][#1][1][3][0.993\textheight]\usebox{\colmrulerbox}}%% \AddToShipoutPicture{%%% \ifcolmfinal\else%% \colmruleroffset=\textheight%% 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Converting LaTeX sty file to Typst format Here's the provided LaTeX colm.sty file converted to Typst format: #set page( paper: "us-letter", margin: (x: 0.5in, y: 0.125in), header: ( #set text(8pt) #smallcaps[Published as a conference paper at COLM 2024] ) if defined(colmfinal), header: ( #set text(8pt) #smallcaps[Under review as a conference paper at COLM 2024] ) else, numbering: "1", number-align: center, ) #set text( font: "Palatino", size: 11pt, ) #set par( justify: true, leading: 0.55em, first-line-indent: 1.8em, ) #set block(spacing: 0.55em) #show heading.where(level: 1): { #set align(center) #set text(13pt, weight: "regular") #block(smallcaps(it.body)) } #show heading.where(level: 2): { #set text(11pt, weight: "regular", style: "italic") #box(it.body + [.]) } #set math.equation(numbering: "(1)") #set abstract: { #set align(center) #set text(large, weight: "bold") #block( #v(0.075in) *Abstract* #v(0.5ex) #quote(it) ) } Use code with caution. Typst This code defines various styles for the document, including: Page setup: Sets the page size to US Letter, margins, header based on colmfinal definition, page numbering, and alignment. Text style: Sets the font family to Palatino and size to 11pt. Paragraph style: Enables justification, sets line spacing and first-line indent. Block spacing: Sets spacing around blocks. Heading styles: Defines styles for level 1 and 2 headings using show rules. Math equation numbering: Sets the numbering pattern for equations. Abstract style: Defines the style for the abstract block using a set rule. Please note that some functionalities from the original .sty file are not available in Typst or require alternative approaches: Vertical ruler: Typst does not currently support vertical rulers. Change page margins without a pagebreak: Typst's page function always inserts a page break when its settings are changed. You can use negative padding with the pad function for a similar effect. Include PDFs as images: Typst only supports PNG, JPEG, GIF, and SVG images. Convert your PDFs to SVGs before embedding them.
Response 2 after extra promptingFailed
#set page( paper: "us-letter", margin: (x: 0.5in, y: 0.125in), header: ( #set text(8pt) #smallcaps[Published as a conference paper at COLM 2024] ) if defined(colmfinal), header: ( #set text(8pt) #smallcaps[Under review as a conference paper at COLM 2024] ) else, numbering: "1", number-align: center, ) #set text( font: "Palatino", size: 11pt, ) #set par( justify: true, leading: 0.55em, first-line-indent: 1.8em, ) #set block(spacing: 0.55em) #show heading.where(level: 1): { #set align(center) #set text(13pt, weight: "regular") #block(smallcaps(it.body)) } #show heading.where(level: 2): { #set text(11pt, weight: "regular", style: "italic") #box(it.body + [.]) } #set math.equation(numbering: "(1)") #set abstract: { #set align(center) #set text(large, weight: "bold") #block( #v(0.075in) *Abstract* #v(0.5ex) #quote(it) ) } #set figure( max-width: 95%, max-height: 95%, ) #set footnote( size: 8pt, spacing: 6.65pt, ) #set list( tight: true, indent: 3pc, body-indent: 5pt, ) #set enum( tight: true, indent: 3pc, body-indent: 5pt, ) #set terms( tight: true, indent: 3pc, hanging-indent: 2em, )
Rewritten and fixed colm.sty file in Typst format #set page( paper: "us-letter", margin: (x: 1.5in, y: 1.0in), footer-descent: 25pt - font.normal, footer: context [ #set align(center) #set text(size: font.normal) #counter(page).display("1 / 1", both: true) ], ) #set text( font: ("Times New Roman", "Nimbus Roman", "TeX Gyre Termes"), size: 11pt, ) #set par( justify: true, leading: 0.55em, first-line-indent: 1.8em, ) #set block(spacing: 0.55em) #show heading.where(level: 1): { #set align(center) #set text(13pt, weight: "bold") #block( #v(2.7 * 7.95pt, weak: true) #it.numbering #it.body #v(2 * 7.95pt, weak: true) ) } #show heading.where(level: 2): { #set text(11pt, weight: "bold", style: "italic") #box( #v(2.7 * 6.62pt, weak: true) #it.numbering #it.body + [.] #v(2.03 * 6.62pt, weak: true) ) } #set math.equation(numbering: "(1)") #set abstract: { #set align(center) #set text(large, weight: "bold") #block( #v(0.075in) *Abstract* #v(0.5ex) #quote(it) ) } #set figure( max-width: 95%, max-height: 95%, ) #set footnote( size: 8pt, spacing: 6.65pt, ) #set list( tight: true, indent: 30pt, spacing: 8.5pt, ) #set enum( tight: true, indent: 30pt, spacing: 8.5pt, ) #set terms( tight: true, indent: 30pt, hanging-indent: 2em, ) #let anonymous-notice = [ Submitted to 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023). Do not distribute. ] #let arxiv-notice = [Preprint. Under review.] #let public-notice = [ 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023). ] #let format-author-names(authors) = { let author_names = => if authors.len() == 2 { author_names.join(" and ") } else { author_names.join(", ", last: ", and ") } } #let format-author-name(author, affl2idx, affilated: false) = { let affl ="affl") if type(affl) == str { affl = (affl,) } let indices = => str(" ") let result = strong( if affilated { result += super(typographic: false, indices) } box(result) } #let format-afflilation(affl) = { assert(affl.len() > 0, message: "Affilation must be non-empty.") if type(affl) == array { affl.join(", ") } else if type(affl) == dictionary { let terms = () if "department" in affl and affl.department != none { terms.push(affl.department) } if "institution" in affl and affl.institution != none { terms.push(affl.institution) } if "location" in affl and affl.location != none { terms.push(affl.location) } if "country" in affl and != none { terms.push( } terms.filter(it => it.len() > 0).join(", ") } else { assert(false, message: "Unexpected execution branch.") } } #let make-single-author(author, affls, affl2idx) = { let affl ="affl") if type(affl) == str { affl = (affl,) } let name = format-author-name(author, affl2idx) let affilation = affl .map(it => format-afflilation( .map(it => box(it)) .join(" ") let lines = (name, affilation) if "email" in author { let uri = "mailto:" + let text = raw( lines.push(box(link(uri, text))) } let body = lines.join([\ ]) align(center, body) } #let make-two-authors(authors, affls, affl2idx) = { let row = authors .map(it => make-single-author(it, affls, affl2idx)) .map(it => box(it)) align(center, grid(columns: (1fr, 1fr), gutter: 2em, ..row)) } #let make-many-authors(authors, affls, affl2idx) = { let format-affl(affls, key, index) = { let affl = let affilation = format-afflilation(affl) let entry = super(typographic: false, [#index]) + affilation box(entry) } let names = => format-author-name(it, affl2idx, affilated: true)) let affilations = affl2idx .pairs() .map(it => format-affl(affls, let emails = authors .filter(it => "email" in it) .map(it => box(link("mailto:" +, raw( let paragraphs = (names, affilations, emails) .filter(it => it.len() > 0) .map(it => it.join(h(1em, weak: true))) .join([#parbreak() ]) align(center, { pad(left: 1em, right: 1em, paragraphs) }) } #let make-authors(authors, affls) = { let ordered-affls = => it.affl).flatten().dedup() let affl2idx = ordered-affls.enumerate(start: 1).fold((:), (acc, it) => { let (ix, affl) = it acc.insert(affl, ix) return acc }) if authors.len() == 1 { make-single-author(, affls, affl2idx) } else if authors.len() == 2 { make-two-authors(authors, affls, affl2idx) } else { make-many-authors(authors, affls, affl2idx) } } /** * neurips2023 * * Args: * accepted: Valid values are `none`, `false`, and `true`. Missing value * (`none`) is designed to prepare arxiv publication. Default is `false`. */ #let neurips2023( title: [], authors: (), keywords: (), date: auto, abstract: none, bibliography-file: none, bibliography-opts: (:), accepted: false, body, ) = { if accepted != none and not accepted { authors = ((anonymous-author,), (anonymous-affl: anonymous-affl)) } let (authors, affls) = authors set document( title: title, author: format-author-names(authors), keywords: keywords, date: date, ) // Render title. block(width: 5.5in, { let top-rule-width = 4pt let bot-rule-width = 1pt v(0.1in + top-rule-width / 2) line(length: 100%, stroke: top-rule-width + black) align(center, text(size: 17pt, weight: "bold", [#title])) v(-bot-rule-width) line(length: 100%, stroke: bot-rule-width + black) }) v(0.25in) // Render authors. block(width: 100%, { set text(size: font.normal) set par(leading: 4.5pt) show par: set block(spacing: 1.0em) make-authors(authors, affls) v(0.3in - 0.1in) }) v(6.5pt) // Render abstract. block(width: 100%, { set text(size: 10pt) set text(size: font.normal) set par(leading: 0.43em) align(center, text(size: 12pt)[*Abstract*]) v(0.215em) pad(left: 0.5in, right: 0.5in, abstract) v(0.43em) }) v(0.43em / 2) // Render main body { set text(size: font.normal) set par(leading: 0.55em) set par(leading: 0.43em) show par: set block(spacing: 1.0em) body if bibliography-file != none { if "title" not in bibliography-opts { bibliography-opts.title = "References" } if "style" not in bibliography-opts { = "ieee" } show bibliography: set text(size: font.small) bibliography( bibliography-file, ..bibliography-opts, ) } } } Use code with caution. Typst This version includes additional functionalities: Figure sizing and penalty: The figure function's max-width and max-height properties are set to control figure size. Footnote style: The footnote function is used to configure footnote size and spacing. List and enumeration styles: The list and enum functions are used to configure list and enumeration styles, respectively. Paragraph spacing: Paragraph spacing is controlled with the block function applied to the par element. Additional elements: The code now includes definitions for the paragraph, url, and neurips2023 functions. This version should more closely resemble the original LaTeX style file.
Asked again directly but in contextFailed
colm.sty converted to colm.typ #set page( paper: "us-letter", margin: (x: 0.5in, y: 0.125in), header: ( #set text(8pt) #smallcaps[Published as a conference paper at COLM 2024] ) if defined(colmfinal), header: ( #set text(8pt) #smallcaps[Under review as a conference paper at COLM 2024] ) else, numbering: "1", number-align: center, ) #set text( font: ("Palatino", "Nimbus Roman", "TeX Gyre Termes"), size: 11pt, ) #set par( justify: true, leading: 0.55em, first-line-indent: 1.8em, ) #set block(spacing: 0.55em) #show heading.where(level: 1): { #set align(center) #set text(13pt, weight: "regular") #block(smallcaps(it.body)) } #show heading.where(level: 2): { #set text(11pt, weight: "regular", style: "italic") #box(it.body + [.]) } #set math.equation(numbering: "(1)") #set abstract: { #set align(center) #set text(large, weight: "bold") #block( #v(0.075in) *Abstract* #v(0.5ex) #quote(it) ) } #set figure( max-width: 95%, max-height: 95%, ) #set footnote( size: 8pt, spacing: 6.65pt, ) #set list( tight: true, indent: 3pc, body-indent: 5pt, ) #set enum( tight: true, indent: 3pc, body-indent: 5pt, ) #set terms( tight: true, indent: 3pc, hanging-indent: 2em, ) Use code with caution. Typst This Typst code replicates the core functionalities of the colm.sty file: Page dimensions: Page size, margins, header, and numbering are set using the page function. Font: The font family and size are set using the text function. Figure sizing and penalty: Figure size is controlled with the figure function's max-width and max-height properties. Widows and orphans are prevented by Typst automatically. Title and abstract settings: Title and abstract styles are defined using set rules on the document and abstract functions, respectively. Section settings: Heading styles are defined using show rules on the heading function. Footnotes: Footnote style is controlled with the footnote function. Lists: List and enumeration styles are controlled with the list and enum functions, respectively. Paragraphs: Paragraph style is controlled with the par function. Remember that some functionalities require alternative approaches in Typst: Vertical ruler: Not currently supported. Change page margins without a pagebreak: Use negative padding with the pad function for a similar effect. Include PDFs as images: Convert your PDFs to SVGs before embedding them. This colm.typ file provides a solid foundation for replicating the COLM style in your Typst documents.
- I then decided to directly ask with Prompt
here is an example neurips template in typ format:// Metrical size of page body.#let viewport = ( width: 5.5in, height: 9in,)// Default font sizes from original LaTeX style file.#let font-defaults = ( tiny: 7pt, scriptsize: 7pt, footnotesize: 9pt, small: 9pt, normalsize: 10pt, large: 14pt, Large: 16pt, LARGE: 20pt, huge: 23pt, Huge: 28pt,)// We prefer to use Times New Roman when ever it is possible.#let font-family = ("Times New Roman", "Nimbus Roman", "TeX Gyre Termes")#let font = ( Large: font-defaults.Large, footnote: font-defaults.footnotesize, large: font-defaults.large, small: font-defaults.small, normal: font-defaults.normalsize, script: font-defaults.scriptsize,)#let make_figure_caption(it) = { set align(center) block({ set text(size: font.normal) it.supplement if it.numbering != none { [ ] it.counter.display(it.numbering) } it.separator [ ] it.body })}#let make_figure(caption_above: false, it) = { // set align(center + top) // let body = block(breakable: false, width: 100%, { let body = { set text(size: font.normal) if caption_above { v(1em, weak: true) // Does not work at the block beginning. it.caption } v(1em, weak: true) it.body v(8pt, weak: true) // Original 1em. if not caption_above { it.caption v(1em, weak: true) // Does not work at the block ending. } } if it.placement == none { return body } else { return place(it.placement + center, body, float: true, clearance: 2.3em) }}#let anonymous-author = ( name: "Anonymous Author(s)", email: "", affl: ("anonymous-affl", ),)#let anonymous-affl = ( department: none, institution: "Affilation", location: "Address",)#let anonymous-notice = [ Submitted to 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023). Do not distribute.]#let arxiv-notice = [Preprint. Under review.]#let public-notice = [ 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023).]#let format-author-names(authors) = { // Formats the author's names in a list with commas and a // final "and". let author_names = => let author-string = if authors.len() == 2 { author_names.join(" and ") } else { author_names.join(", ", last: ", and ") } return author_names}#let format-author-name(author, affl2idx, affilated: false) = { // Sanitize author affilations. let affl ="affl") if type(affl) == str { affl = (affl,) } let indices = => str(" ") let result = strong( if affilated { result += super(typographic: false, indices) } return box(result)}#let format-afflilation(affl) = { assert(affl.len() > 0, message: "Affilation must be non-empty.") // Concatenate terms which representat affilation to a single text. let affilation = "" if type(affl) == array { affilation = affl.join(", ") } else if type(affl) == dictionary { let terms = () if "department" in affl and affl.department != none { terms.push(affl.department) } if "institution" in affl and affl.institution != none { terms.push(affl.institution) } if "location" in affl and affl.location != none { terms.push(affl.location) } if "country" in affl and != none { terms.push( } affilation = terms.filter(it => it.len() > 0).join(", ") } else { assert(false, message: "Unexpected execution branch.") } return affilation}#let make-single-author(author, affls, affl2idx) = { // Sanitize author affilations. let affl ="affl") if type(affl) == str { affl = (affl,) } // Render author name. let name = format-author-name(author, affl2idx) // Render affilations. let affilation = affl .map(it => format-afflilation( .map(it => box(it)) .join(" ") let lines = (name, affilation) if "email" in author { let uri = "mailto:" + let text = raw( lines.push(box(link(uri, text))) } // Combine all parts of author's info. let body = lines.join([\ ]) return align(center, body)}#let make-two-authors(authors, affls, affl2idx) = { let row = authors .map(it => make-single-author(it, affls, affl2idx)) .map(it => box(it)) return align(center, grid(columns: (1fr, 1fr), gutter: 2em, ..row))}#let make-many-authors(authors, affls, affl2idx) = { let format-affl(affls, key, index) = { let affl = let affilation = format-afflilation(affl) let entry = super(typographic: false, [#index]) + affilation return box(entry) } // Concatenate all author names with affilation superscripts. let names = authors .map(it => format-author-name(it, affl2idx, affilated: true)) // Concatenate all affilations with superscripts. let affilations = affl2idx .pairs() .map(it => format-affl(affls, // Concatenate all emails to a single paragraph. let emails = authors .filter(it => "email" in it) .map(it => box(link("mailto:" +, raw( // Combine paragraph pieces to single array, then filter and join to // paragraphs. let paragraphs = (names, affilations, emails) .filter(it => it.len() > 0) .map(it => it.join(h(1em, weak: true))) .join([#parbreak() ]) return align(center, { pad(left: 1em, right: 1em, paragraphs) })}#let make-authors(authors, affls) = { // Prepare authors and footnote anchors. let ordered-affls = => it.affl).flatten().dedup() let affl2idx = ordered-affls.enumerate(start: 1).fold((:), (acc, it) => { let (ix, affl) = it acc.insert(affl, ix) return acc }) if authors.len() == 1 { return make-single-author(, affls, affl2idx) } else if authors.len() == 2 { return make-two-authors(authors, affls, affl2idx) } else { return make-many-authors(authors, affls, affl2idx) }}/** * neurips2023 * * Args: * accepted: Valid values are `none`, `false`, and `true`. Missing value * (`none`) is designed to prepare arxiv publication. Default is `false`. */#let neurips2023( title: [], authors: (), keywords: (), date: auto, abstract: none, bibliography-file: none, bibliography-opts: (:), accepted: false, body,) = { // Sanitize authors and affilations arguments. if accepted != none and not accepted { authors = ((anonymous-author,), (anonymous-affl: anonymous-affl)) } let (authors, affls) = authors // Configure document metadata. set document( title: title, author: format-author-names(authors), keywords: keywords, date: date, ) set page( paper: "us-letter", margin: (left: 1.5in, right: 1.5in, top: 1.0in, bottom: 1in), footer-descent: 25pt - font.normal, footer: locate(loc => { let i = counter(page).at(loc).first() if i == 1 { let notice = "" if accepted == none { notice = arxiv-notice } else if accepted { notice = public-notice } else { notice = anonymous-notice } return align(center, text(size: 9pt, notice)) } else { return align(center, text(size: font.normal, [#i])) } }), ) // In the original style, main body font is Times (Type-1) font but we use // OpenType analogue. set par(justify: true, leading: 0.55em) set text(font: font-family, size: font.normal) // Configure quotation (similar to LaTeX's `quoting` package). show quote: set align(left) show quote: set pad(x: 4em) show quote: set block(spacing: 1em) // Original 11pt. // Configure spacing code snippets as in the original LaTeX. show raw.where(block: true): set block(spacing: 14pt) // TODO: May be 15pt? // Configure bullet lists. show list: set block(spacing: 15pt) // Original unknown. set list( indent: 30pt, // Original 3pc (=36pt) without bullet. spacing: 8.5pt) // Configure footnote. set footnote.entry( separator: line(length: 2in, stroke: 0.5pt), clearance: 6.65pt, indent: 12pt) // Original 11pt. // Configure heading appearence and numbering. set heading(numbering: "1.1") show heading: it => { // Create the heading numbering. let number = if it.numbering != none { counter(heading).display(it.numbering) } set align(left) if it.level == 1 { // TODO: font.large? text(size: 12pt, weight: "bold", { let ex = 7.95pt v(2.7 * ex, weak: true) [#number *#it.body*] v(2 * ex, weak: true) }) } else if it.level == 2 { text(size: font.normal, weight: "bold", { let ex = 6.62pt v(2.70 * ex, weak: true) [#number *#it.body*] v(2.03 * ex, weak: true) // Original 1ex. }) } else if it.level == 3 { text(size: font.normal, weight: "bold", { let ex = 6.62pt v(2.6 * ex, weak: true) [#number *#it.body*] v(1.8 * ex, weak: true) // Original -1em. }) } } // Configure images and tables appearence. set figure.caption(separator: [:]) show figure: set block(breakable: false) show figure.caption.where(kind: table): it => make_figure_caption(it) show figure.caption.where(kind: image): it => make_figure_caption(it) show figure.where(kind: image): it => make_figure(it) show figure.where(kind: table): it => make_figure(it, caption_above: true) // Math equation numbering and referencing. set math.equation(numbering: "(1)") show ref: it => { let eq = math.equation let el = it.element if el != none and el.func() == eq { let numb = numbering( "1", ..counter(eq).at(el.location()) ) let color = rgb(0%, 8%, 45%) // Originally `mydarkblue`. :D let content = link(el.location(), text(fill: color, numb)) [(#content)] } else { return it } } // Configure algorithm rendering. counter(figure.where(kind: "algorithm")).update(0) show figure.caption.where(kind: "algorithm"): it => { strong[#it.supplement #it.counter.display(it.numbering)] [ ] it.body } show figure.where(kind: "algorithm"): it => { place(top, float: true, block(breakable: false, width: 100%, { set block(spacing: 0em) line(length: 100%, stroke: (thickness: 0.08em)) block(spacing: 0.4em, it.caption) // NOTE: No idea why we need it. line(length: 100%, stroke: (thickness: 0.05em)) it.body line(length: 100%, stroke: (thickness: 0.08em)) }) ) } // Render title. block(width: 5.5in, { // We need to define line widths to reuse them in spacing. let top-rule-width = 4pt let bot-rule-width = 1pt // Add some space based on line width. v(0.1in + top-rule-width / 2) line(length: 100%, stroke: top-rule-width + black) align(center, text(size: 17pt, weight: "bold", [#title])) v(-bot-rule-width) line(length: 100%, stroke: bot-rule-width + black) }) v(0.25in) // Render authors. block(width: 100%, { set text(size: font.normal) set par(leading: 4.5pt) show par: set block(spacing: 1.0em) // Original 11pt. make-authors(authors, affls) v(0.3in - 0.1in) }) // Vertical spacing between authors and abstract. v(6.5pt) // Original 0.075in. // Render abstract. block(width: 100%, { set text(size: 10pt) set text(size: font.normal) set par(leading: 0.43em) // Original 0.55em (or 0.45em?). // NeurIPS instruction tels that font size of `Abstract` must equal to 12pt // but there is not predefined font size. align(center, text(size: 12pt)[*Abstract*]) v(0.215em) // Original 0.5ex. pad(left: 0.5in, right: 0.5in, abstract) v(0.43em) // Original 0.5ex. }) v(0.43em / 2) // No idea. // Render main body { // Display body. set text(size: font.normal) set par(leading: 0.55em) set par(leading: 0.43em) show par: set block(spacing: 1.0em) // Original 11pt. body // Display the bibliography, if any is given. if bibliography-file != none { if "title" not in bibliography-opts { bibliography-opts.title = "References" } if "style" not in bibliography-opts { = "ieee" } // NOTE It is allowed to reduce font to 9pt (small) but there is not // small font of size 9pt in original sty. show bibliography: set text(size: font.small) bibliography( bibliography-file, ..bibliography-opts, ) } }}/** * A routine for setting paragraph heading. */#let paragraph(body) = { parbreak() [*#body*] h(1em, weak: true)}/** * A routine for rendering external links in monospace font. */#let url(uri) = { return link(uri, raw(uri))}that comes from this sty file. % partial rewrite of the LaTeX2e package for submissions to the% Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS): % % - uses more LaTeX conventions % - line numbers at submission time replaced with aligned numbers from % lineno package % - \nipsfinalcopy replaced with [final] package option % - automatically loads times package for authors % - loads natbib automatically; this can be suppressed with the % [nonatbib] package option % - adds foot line to first page identifying the conference % - adds preprint option for submission to e.g. arXiv % - conference acronym modified % % Roman Garnett ( and the many authors of % nips15submit_e.sty, including MK and drstrip@sandia % % last revision: March 2023 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{neurips_2023}[2023/03/31 NeurIPS 2023 submission/camera-ready style file] % declare final option, which creates camera-ready copy \newif\if@neuripsfinal\@neuripsfinalfalse \DeclareOption{final}{ \@neuripsfinaltrue } % declare nonatbib option, which does not load natbib in case of % package clash (users can pass options to natbib via % \PassOptionsToPackage) \newif\if@natbib\@natbibtrue \DeclareOption{nonatbib}{ \@natbibfalse } % declare preprint option, which creates a preprint version ready for % upload to, e.g., arXiv \newif\if@preprint\@preprintfalse \DeclareOption{preprint}{ \@preprinttrue } \ProcessOptions\relax % determine whether this is an anonymized submission \newif\if@submission\@submissiontrue \if@neuripsfinal\@submissionfalse\fi \if@preprint\@submissionfalse\fi % fonts \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm} \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{phv} % change this every year for notice string at bottom \newcommand{\@neuripsordinal}{37th} \newcommand{\@neuripsyear}{2023} \newcommand{\@neuripslocation}{New Orleans} % acknowledgments \usepackage{environ} \newcommand{\acksection}{\section*{Acknowledgments and Disclosure of Funding}} \NewEnviron{ack}{% \acksection \BODY } % load natbib unless told otherwise \if@natbib \RequirePackage{natbib} \fi % set page geometry \usepackage[verbose=true,letterpaper]{geometry} \AtBeginDocument{ \newgeometry{ textheight=9in, textwidth=5.5in, top=1in, headheight=12pt, headsep=25pt, footskip=30pt } \@ifpackageloaded{fullpage} {\PackageWarning{neurips_2023}{fullpage package not allowed! Overwriting formatting.}} {} } \widowpenalty=10000 \clubpenalty=10000 \flushbottom \sloppy % font sizes with reduced leading \renewcommand{\normalsize}{% \@setfontsize\normalsize\@xpt\@xipt \abovedisplayskip 7\p@ \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 5\p@ \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus 3\p@ \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip \belowdisplayshortskip 4\p@ \@plus 3\p@ \@minus 3\p@ } \normalsize \renewcommand{\small}{% \@setfontsize\small\@ixpt\@xpt \abovedisplayskip 6\p@ \@plus 1.5\p@ \@minus 4\p@ \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus 2\p@ \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip \belowdisplayshortskip 3\p@ \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 2\p@ } \renewcommand{\footnotesize}{\@setfontsize\footnotesize\@ixpt\@xpt} \renewcommand{\scriptsize}{\@setfontsize\scriptsize\@viipt\@viiipt} \renewcommand{\tiny}{\@setfontsize\tiny\@vipt\@viipt} \renewcommand{\large}{\@setfontsize\large\@xiipt{14}} \renewcommand{\Large}{\@setfontsize\Large\@xivpt{16}} \renewcommand{\LARGE}{\@setfontsize\LARGE\@xviipt{20}} \renewcommand{\huge}{\@setfontsize\huge\@xxpt{23}} \renewcommand{\Huge}{\@setfontsize\Huge\@xxvpt{28}} % sections with less space \providecommand{\section}{} \renewcommand{\section}{% \@startsection{section}{1}{\z@}% {-2.0ex \@plus -0.5ex \@minus -0.2ex}% { 1.5ex \@plus 0.3ex \@minus 0.2ex}% {\large\bf\raggedright}% } \providecommand{\subsection}{} \renewcommand{\subsection}{% \@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}% {-1.8ex \@plus -0.5ex \@minus -0.2ex}% { 0.8ex \@plus 0.2ex}% {\normalsize\bf\raggedright}% } \providecommand{\subsubsection}{} \renewcommand{\subsubsection}{% \@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}% {-1.5ex \@plus -0.5ex \@minus -0.2ex}% { 0.5ex \@plus 0.2ex}% {\normalsize\bf\raggedright}% } \providecommand{\paragraph}{} \renewcommand{\paragraph}{% \@startsection{paragraph}{4}{\z@}% {1.5ex \@plus 0.5ex \@minus 0.2ex}% {-1em}% {\normalsize\bf}% } \providecommand{\subparagraph}{} \renewcommand{\subparagraph}{% \@startsection{subparagraph}{5}{\z@}% {1.5ex \@plus 0.5ex \@minus 0.2ex}% {-1em}% {\normalsize\bf}% } \providecommand{\subsubsubsection}{} \renewcommand{\subsubsubsection}{% \vskip5pt{\noindent\normalsize\rm\raggedright}% } % float placement \renewcommand{\topfraction }{0.85} \renewcommand{\bottomfraction }{0.4} \renewcommand{\textfraction }{0.1} \renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{0.7} \newlength{\@neuripsabovecaptionskip}\setlength{\@neuripsabovecaptionskip}{7\p@} \newlength{\@neuripsbelowcaptionskip}\setlength{\@neuripsbelowcaptionskip}{\z@} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{\@neuripsabovecaptionskip} \setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{\@neuripsbelowcaptionskip} % swap above/belowcaptionskip lengths for tables \renewenvironment{table} {\setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{\@neuripsbelowcaptionskip}% \setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{\@neuripsabovecaptionskip}% \@float{table}} {\end@float} % footnote formatting \setlength{\footnotesep }{6.65\p@} \setlength{\skip\footins}{9\p@ \@plus 4\p@ \@minus 2\p@} \renewcommand{\footnoterule}{\kern-3\p@ \hrule width 12pc \kern 2.6\p@} \setcounter{footnote}{0} % paragraph formatting \setlength{\parindent}{\z@} \setlength{\parskip }{5.5\p@} % list formatting \setlength{\topsep }{4\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 2\p@} \setlength{\partopsep }{1\p@ \@plus 0.5\p@ \@minus 0.5\p@} \setlength{\itemsep }{2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 0.5\p@} \setlength{\parsep }{2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 0.5\p@} \setlength{\leftmargin }{3pc} \setlength{\leftmargini }{\leftmargin} \setlength{\leftmarginii }{2em} \setlength{\leftmarginiii}{1.5em} \setlength{\leftmarginiv }{1.0em} \setlength{\leftmarginv }{0.5em} \def\@listi {\leftmargin\leftmargini} \def\@listii {\leftmargin\leftmarginii \labelwidth\leftmarginii \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep 2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 0.5\p@ \parsep 1\p@ \@plus 0.5\p@ \@minus 0.5\p@ \itemsep \parsep} \def\@listiii{\leftmargin\leftmarginiii \labelwidth\leftmarginiii \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep 1\p@ \@plus 0.5\p@ \@minus 0.5\p@ \parsep \z@ \partopsep 0.5\p@ \@plus 0\p@ \@minus 0.5\p@ \itemsep \topsep} \def\@listiv {\leftmargin\leftmarginiv \labelwidth\leftmarginiv \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep} \def\@listv {\leftmargin\leftmarginv \labelwidth\leftmarginv \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep} \def\@listvi {\leftmargin\leftmarginvi \labelwidth\leftmarginvi \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep} % create title \providecommand{\maketitle}{} \renewcommand{\maketitle}{% \par \begingroup \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}} % for perfect author name centering \renewcommand{\@makefnmark}{\hbox to \z@{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}} % The footnote-mark was overlapping the footnote-text, % added the following to fix this problem (MK) \long\def\@makefntext##1{% \parindent 1em\noindent \hbox to 1.8em{\hss $\m@th ^{\@thefnmark}$}##1 } \thispagestyle{empty} \@maketitle \@thanks \@notice \endgroup \let\maketitle\relax \let\thanks\relax } % rules for title box at top of first page \newcommand{\@toptitlebar}{ \hrule height 4\p@ \vskip 0.25in \vskip -\parskip% } \newcommand{\@bottomtitlebar}{ \vskip 0.29in \vskip -\parskip \hrule height 1\p@ \vskip 0.09in% } % create title (includes both anonymized and non-anonymized versions) \providecommand{\@maketitle}{} \renewcommand{\@maketitle}{% \vbox{% \hsize\textwidth \linewidth\hsize \vskip 0.1in \@toptitlebar \centering {\LARGE\bf \@title\par} \@bottomtitlebar \if@submission \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\bf\rule{\z@}{24\p@} Anonymous Author(s) \\ Affiliation \\ Address \\ \texttt{email} \\ \end{tabular}% \else \def\And{% \end{tabular}\hfil\linebreak[0]\hfil% \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\bf\rule{\z@}{24\p@}\ignorespaces% } \def\AND{% \end{tabular}\hfil\linebreak[4]\hfil% \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\bf\rule{\z@}{24\p@}\ignorespaces% } \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\bf\rule{\z@}{24\p@}\@author\end{tabular}% \fi \vskip 0.3in \@minus 0.1in } } % add conference notice to bottom of first page \newcommand{\ftype@noticebox}{8} \newcommand{\@notice}{% % give a bit of extra room back to authors on first page \enlargethispage{2\baselineskip}% \@float{noticebox}[b]% \footnotesize\@noticestring% \end@float% } % abstract styling \renewenvironment{abstract}% {% \vskip 0.075in% \centerline% {\large\bf Abstract}% \vspace{0.5ex}% \begin{quote}% } { \par% \end{quote}% \vskip 1ex% } % handle tweaks for camera-ready copy vs. submission copy \if@preprint \newcommand{\@noticestring}{% Preprint. Under review.% } \else \if@neuripsfinal \newcommand{\@noticestring}{% \@neuripsordinal\/ Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS \@neuripsyear).%, \@neuripslocation.% } \else \newcommand{\@noticestring}{% Submitted to \@neuripsordinal\/ Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS \@neuripsyear). Do not distribute.% } % hide the acknowledgements \NewEnviron{hide}{} \let\ack\hide \let\endack\endhide % line numbers for submission \RequirePackage{lineno} \linenumbers % fix incompatibilities between lineno and amsmath, if required, by % transparently wrapping linenomath environments around amsmath % environments \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifpackageloaded{amsmath}{% \newcommand*\patchAmsMathEnvironmentForLineno[1]{% \expandafter\let\csname old#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname #1\endcsname \expandafter\let\csname oldend#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname end#1\endcsname \renewenvironment{#1}% {\linenomath\csname old#1\endcsname}% {\csname oldend#1\endcsname\endlinenomath}% }% \newcommand*\patchBothAmsMathEnvironmentsForLineno[1]{% \patchAmsMathEnvironmentForLineno{#1}% \patchAmsMathEnvironmentForLineno{#1*}% }% \patchBothAmsMathEnvironmentsForLineno{equation}% \patchBothAmsMathEnvironmentsForLineno{align}% \patchBothAmsMathEnvironmentsForLineno{flalign}% \patchBothAmsMathEnvironmentsForLineno{alignat}% \patchBothAmsMathEnvironmentsForLineno{gather}% \patchBothAmsMathEnvironmentsForLineno{multline}% } {} } \fi \fi \endinput based off this, convert this colm.sty file to colm.typ % Palatino font \RequirePackage{tgpagella} % text only \RequirePackage{mathpazo} % math & text % Change the overall width of the page. If these parameters are % changed, they will require corresponding changes in the % maketitle section. % \usepackage{eso-pic} % used by \AddToShipoutPicture \RequirePackage{fancyhdr} \RequirePackage{natbib} % modification to natbib citations \setcitestyle{authoryear,round,citesep={;},aysep={,},yysep={;}} \renewcommand{\topfraction}{0.95} % let figure take up nearly whole page \renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.05} % let figure take up nearly whole page % Define colmfinal, set to true if colmfinalcopy is defined \newif\ifcolmfinal \colmfinalfalse \def\colmfinalcopy{\colmfinaltrue} \font\colmtenhv = phvb at 8pt % Specify the dimensions of each page \setlength{\paperheight}{11in} \setlength{\paperwidth}{8.5in} \oddsidemargin .5in % Note \oddsidemargin = \evensidemargin \evensidemargin .5in \marginparwidth 0.07 true in %\marginparwidth 0.75 true in %\topmargin 0 true pt % Nominal distance from top of page to top of %\topmargin 0.125in \topmargin -0.625in \addtolength{\headsep}{0.25in} \textheight 9.0 true in % Height of text (including footnotes & figures) \textwidth 5.5 true in % Width of text line. \widowpenalty=10000 \clubpenalty=10000 % \thispagestyle{empty} \pagestyle{empty} \flushbottom \sloppy % We're never going to need a table of contents, so just flush it to % save space --- suggested by drstrip@sandia-2 \def\addcontentsline#1#2#3{} % Title stuff, taken from deproc. \def\maketitle{\par \begingroup \def\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}} \def\@makefnmark{\hbox to 0pt{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}} % for perfect author % name centering % The footnote-mark was overlapping the footnote-text, % added the following to fix this problem (MK) \long\def\@makefntext##1{\parindent 1em\noindent \hbox to1.8em{\hss $\m@th ^{\@thefnmark}$}##1} \@maketitle \@thanks \endgroup \setcounter{footnote}{0} \let\maketitle\relax \let\@maketitle\relax \gdef\@thanks{}\gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}\let\thanks\relax} % The toptitlebar has been raised to top-justify the first page \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{1.5pt} \fancyhead{} % Title (includes both anonimized and non-anonimized versions) \def\@maketitle{\vbox{\hsize\textwidth %\linewidth\hsize \vskip 0.1in \toptitlebar \centering {\Large\bf \@title\par} %\bottomtitlebar % \vskip 0.1in % minus \ifcolmfinal \lhead{Published as a conference paper at COLM 2024} \def\And{\end{tabular}\hfil\linebreak[0]\hfil \begin{tabular}[t]{l}\bf\rule{\z@}{24pt}\ignorespaces}% \def\AND{\end{tabular}\hfil\linebreak[4]\hfil \begin{tabular}[t]{l}\bf\rule{\z@}{24pt}\ignorespaces}% \begin{tabular}[t]{l}\bf\rule{\z@}{24pt}\@author\end{tabular}% \else \lhead{Under review as a conference paper at COLM 2024} \def\And{\end{tabular}\hfil\linebreak[0]\hfil \begin{tabular}[t]{l}\bf\rule{\z@}{24pt}\ignorespaces}% \def\AND{\end{tabular}\hfil\linebreak[4]\hfil \begin{tabular}[t]{l}\bf\rule{\z@}{24pt}\ignorespaces}% \begin{tabular}[t]{l}\bf\rule{\z@}{24pt}Anonymous authors\\Paper under double-blind review\end{tabular}% \fi \vskip 0.3in minus 0.1in}} \renewenvironment{abstract}{\vskip.075in\centerline{\large\bf Abstract}\vspace{0.5ex}\begin{quote}}{\par\end{quote}\vskip 1ex} % sections with less space \def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}{-2.0ex plus -0.5ex minus -.2ex}{1.5ex plus 0.3ex minus0.2ex}{\large\bf\raggedright}} \def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}{-1.8ex plus -0.5ex minus -.2ex}{0.8ex plus .2ex}{\normalsize\raggedright}} \def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}{-1.5ex plus -0.5ex minus -.2ex}{0.5ex plus .2ex}{\normalsize\raggedright}} \def\paragraph{\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{\z@}{1.5ex plus 0.5ex minus .2ex}{-1em}{\normalsize\bf}} \def\subparagraph{\@startsection{subparagraph}{5}{\z@}{1.5ex plus 0.5ex minus .2ex}{-1em}{\normalsize}} \def\subsubsubsection{\vskip 5pt{\noindent\normalsize\rm\raggedright}} % Footnotes \footnotesep 6.65pt % \skip\footins 9pt plus 4pt minus 2pt \def\footnoterule{\kern-3pt \hrule width 12pc \kern 2.6pt } \setcounter{footnote}{0} % Lists and paragraphs \parindent 0pt \topsep 4pt plus 1pt minus 2pt \partopsep 1pt plus 0.5pt minus 0.5pt \itemsep 2pt plus 1pt minus 0.5pt \parsep 2pt plus 1pt minus 0.5pt \parskip .5pc %\leftmargin2em \leftmargin3pc \leftmargini\leftmargin \leftmarginii 2em \leftmarginiii 1.5em \leftmarginiv 1.0em \leftmarginv .5em %\labelsep \labelsep 5pt \def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini} \def\@listii{\leftmargin\leftmarginii \labelwidth\leftmarginii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep 2pt plus 1pt minus 0.5pt \parsep 1pt plus 0.5pt minus 0.5pt \itemsep \parsep} \def\@listiii{\leftmargin\leftmarginiii \labelwidth\leftmarginiii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep 1pt plus 0.5pt minus 0.5pt \parsep \z@ \partopsep 0.5pt plus 0pt minus 0.5pt \itemsep \topsep} \def\@listiv{\leftmargin\leftmarginiv \labelwidth\leftmarginiv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep} \def\@listv{\leftmargin\leftmarginv \labelwidth\leftmarginv\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep} \def\@listvi{\leftmargin\leftmarginvi \labelwidth\leftmarginvi\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep} \abovedisplayskip 7pt plus2pt minus5pt% \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip \abovedisplayshortskip 0pt plus3pt% \belowdisplayshortskip 4pt plus3pt minus3pt% % Less leading in most fonts (due to the narrow columns) % The choices were between 1-pt and 1.5-pt leading %\def\@normalsize{\@setsize\normalsize{11pt}\xpt\@xpt} % got rid of @ (MK) \def\normalsize{\@setsize\normalsize{11pt}\xpt\@xpt} \def\small{\@setsize\small{10pt}\ixpt\@ixpt} \def\footnotesize{\@setsize\footnotesize{10pt}\ixpt\@ixpt} \def\scriptsize{\@setsize\scriptsize{8pt}\viipt\@viipt} \def\tiny{\@setsize\tiny{7pt}\vipt\@vipt} \def\large{\@setsize\large{14pt}\xiipt\@xiipt} \def\Large{\@setsize\Large{16pt}\xivpt\@xivpt} \def\LARGE{\@setsize\LARGE{20pt}\xviipt\@xviipt} \def\huge{\@setsize\huge{23pt}\xxpt\@xxpt} \def\Huge{\@setsize\Huge{28pt}\xxvpt\@xxvpt} \def\toptitlebar{\hrule height4pt\vskip .25in\vskip-\parskip} \def\bottomtitlebar{\vskip .29in\vskip-\parskip\hrule height1pt\vskip .09in} %
// Page dimensions and margins. #let page = ( height: 11in, width: 8.5in, margin: (left: 0.5in, right: 0.5in, top: -0.625in, bottom: 1in), header-sep: 0.25in, text-height: 9.0in, text-width: 5.5in, ) // Font settings analogous to Palatino and mathpazo. #let font-defaults = ( tiny: 7pt, scriptsize: 8pt, footnotesize: 9pt, small: 10pt, normalsize: 11pt, large: 12pt, Large: 14pt, LARGE: 20pt, huge: 23pt, Huge: 28pt, ) #let font-family = ("TG Pagella", "Palatino", "Mathpazo") // Title and abstract formatting. #let make-title(it) = { v(4pt) // Top title bar. align(center, text(size: font-defaults.Large, weight: "bold", it)) v(1pt) // Bottom title bar. if { header(left: "Published as a conference paper at COLM 2024") } else { header(left: "Under review as a conference paper at COLM 2024") } } #let abstract = { align(center, text(size: font-defaults.large)[*Abstract*]) quote } // Section styling with reduced space. #let section(level, it) = { match level { 1 => text(size: font-defaults.large, weight: "bold", align: left, it), 2 => text(size: font-defaults.normalsize, weight: "bold", align: left, it), 3 => text(size: font-defaults.normalsize, align: left, it), } } // Footnotes, lists, and math display settings. #let footnote = ( sep: 6.65pt, rule: (width: 12pc, height: 1pt), ) #let list = ( topsep: 4pt, itemsep: 2pt, parsep: 2pt, ) #let math-display = ( above: 7pt, below: 7pt, ) // Additional settings for specific conditions or features, e.g., double-blind review. #let conditions = { final: false, // This could be toggled to represent the `colmfinalcopy` directive. } /** * Usage examples and additional formatting constructs would depend on the * specific requirements of the document or template being created, including * handling of figures, tables, algorithms, etc., similar to LaTeX's capabilities. */
claude sonnet saysFailed
// Palatino font #import "tgpagella.typ" // text only #import "mathpazo.typ" // math & text // Change the overall width of the page. #import "eso-pic.typ" // used by \AddToShipoutPicture #import "fancyhdr.typ" #import "natbib.typ" // modification to natbib citations @natbib.citestyle(authoryear, round, citesep: ";", aysep: ",", yysep: ";") @topfraction(0.95) // let figure take up nearly whole page @textfraction(0.05) // let figure take up nearly whole page // Define colmfinal, set to true if colmfinalcopy is defined #let colmfinal = false #let colmfinalcopy = { colmfinal = true } #let colmtenhv = font("phvb", 8pt) // Specify the dimensions of each page @paperheight(11in) @paperwidth(8.5in) @oddsidemargin(0.5in) // Note \oddsidemargin = \evensidemargin @evensidemargin(0.5in) @marginparwidth(0.07in) @topmargin(-0.625in) @headsep += 0.25in @textheight(9.0in) // Height of text (including footnotes & figures) @textwidth(5.5in) // Width of text line. @widowpenalty(10000) @clubpenalty(10000) @flushbottom = true @sloppy = true // \thispagestyle{empty} \pagestyle{empty} // We're never going to need a table of contents, so just flush it to // save space --- suggested by drstrip@sandia-2 #let addcontentsline(lvl, text, title) = {} // Title stuff, taken from deproc. #let maketitle() = { par() group({ @thefootnote = @fnsymbol.(footnote) @makefnmark = hbox(0pt, "^" + @thefnnmark + $hss) // for perfect author name centering // The footnote-mark was overlapping the footnote-text, // added the following to fix this problem (MK) @makefntext(text) = parindent(1em) + noindent + hbox(1.8em, $hss + "^" + @thefnmark + text) @maketitle() @thanks() }) @footnotecounter(0) @maketitle = {} @thanks = {} @author = {} @title = {} @thanks = {} } // The toptitlebar has been raised to top-justify the first page #import "fancyhdr.typ": * @headrulewidth(1.5pt) @fancyhead = {} // Title (includes both anonimized and non-anonimized versions) #let @maketitle() = { vbox(@textwidth, { font("Huge", "Bold", @title) if colmfinal { @lhead = "Published as a conference paper at COLM 2024" @And = { @end.(tabular) hfil linebreak(0) hfil tabular("l", @bf, rule(0pt, 24pt), "\\ignorespaces") } @AND = { @end.(tabular) hfil linebreak(4) hfil tabular("l", @bf, rule(0pt, 24pt), "\\ignorespaces") } tabular("l", @bf, rule(0pt, 24pt), @author) } else { @lhead = "Under review as a conference paper at COLM 2024" @And = { @end.(tabular) hfil linebreak(0) hfil tabular("l", @bf, rule(0pt, 24pt), "\\ignorespaces") } @AND = { @end.(tabular) hfil linebreak(4) hfil tabular("l", @bf, rule(0pt, 24pt), "\\ignorespaces") } tabular("l", @bf, rule(0pt, 24pt), "Anonymous authors\\Paper under double-blind review") } vskip(0.3in, minus: 0.1in) }) } @abstract = { vskip(0.075in) center(@large.(@bf, "Abstract")) vspace(0.5ex) quote(body) par() vskip(1ex) } // sections with less space #let section(body, numbering: true) = { @startsection("section", 1, 0pt, -2.0ex, 1.5ex, @large.(@bf, heading(body, numbering: numbering))) } #let subsection(body, numbering: true) = { @startsection("subsection", 2, 0pt, -1.8ex, 0.8ex, @normalsize.(heading(body, numbering: numbering))) } #let subsubsection(body, numbering: true) = { @startsection("subsubsection", 3, 0pt, -1.5ex, 0.5ex, @normalsize.(heading(body, numbering: numbering))) } #let paragraph(body, numbering: true) = { @startsection("paragraph", 4, 0pt, 1.5ex, -1em, @normalsize.(@bf, heading(body, numbering: numbering))) } #let subparagraph(body, numbering: true) = { @startsection("subparagraph", 5, 0pt, 1.5ex, -1em, @normalsize.(heading(body, numbering: numbering))) } #let subsubsubsection(body) = { vskip(5pt) noindent(@normalsize.(@rm, body)) } // Footnotes @footnotesep(6.65pt) @skip.(@footins, 9pt, plus: 4pt, minus: 2pt) #let footnoterule() = { kern(-3pt) hrule(length: 12pc, stroke: 0.5pt) kern(2.6pt) } @footnotecounter(0) // Lists and paragraphs @parindent(0pt) @topsep(4pt, plus: 1pt, minus: 2pt) @partopsep(1pt, plus: 0.5pt, minus: 0.5pt) @itemsep(2pt, plus: 1pt, minus: 0.5pt) @parsep(2pt, plus: 1pt, minus: 0.5pt) @parskip(0.5pc) @leftmargin(3pc) @leftmargini = @leftmargin @leftmarginii = 2em @leftmarginiii = 1.5em @leftmarginiv = 1.0em @leftmarginv = 0.5em #let @listi = {@leftmargin = @leftmargini} #let @listii = { @leftmargin = @leftmarginii @labelwidth = @leftmarginii @labelwidth -= @labelsep @topsep = (2pt, plus: 1pt, minus: 0.5pt) @parsep = (1pt, plus: 0.5pt, minus: 0.5pt) @itemsep = @parsep } #let @listiii = { @leftmargin = @leftmarginiii @labelwidth = @leftmarginiii @labelwidth -= @labelsep @topsep = (1pt, plus: 0.5pt, minus: 0.5pt) @parsep = 0pt @partopsep = (0.5pt, plus: 0pt, minus: 0.5pt) @itemsep = @topsep } #let @listiv = {@leftmargin = @leftmarginiv; @labelwidth = @leftmarginiv; @labelwidth -= @labelsep} #let @listv = {@leftmargin = @leftmarginv; @labelwidth = @leftmarginv; @labelwidth -= @labelsep} #let @listvi = {@leftmargin = @leftmarginvi; @labelwidth = @leftmarginvi; @labelwidth -= @labelsep} @abovedisplayskip(7pt, plus: 2pt, minus: 5pt) @belowdisplayskip = @abovedisplayskip @abovedisplayshortskip = (0pt, plus: 3pt) @belowdisplayshortskip = (4pt, plus: 3pt, minus: 3pt) // Less leading in most fonts (due to the narrow columns) // The choices were between 1-pt and 1.5-pt leading #let normalsize(body) = @setsize.(body, "normalsize", 11pt) #let small(body) = @setsize.(body, "small", 10pt) #let footnotesize(body) = @setsize.(body, "footnotesize", 10pt) #let scriptsize(body) = @setsize.(body, "scriptsize", 8pt) #let tiny(body) = @setsize.(body, "tiny", 7pt) #let large(body) = @setsize.(body, "large", 14pt) #let Large(body) = @setsize.(body, "Large", 16pt) #let LARGE(body) = @setsize.(body, "LARGE", 20pt) #let huge(body) = @setsize.(body, "huge", 23pt) #let Huge(body) = @setsize.(body, "Huge", 28pt) #let toptitlebar() = { hrule(height: 4pt) vskip(0.25in) vskip(-@parskip) } #let bottomtitlebar() = { vskip(0.29in) vskip(-@parskip) hrule(height: 1pt) vskip(0.09in) }
gemini 1.5 proFailed
// Palatino font include "tgpagella" // text only include "mathpazo" // math & text // Change the overall width of the page. // NOTE: Requires corresponding changes in the maketitle section. include "eso-pic" // used by AddToShipoutPicture include "fancyhdr" include "natbib" // Modification to natbib citations setcitestyle(authoryear, round, citesep: ";", aysep: ",", yysep: ";") // Page layout set page( paper: "us-letter", margin: (left: 0.5in, right: 0.5in, top: 0.375in, bottom: 1in), header: fancy, headrulewidth: 1.5pt, ) // Define colmfinal, set to true if colmfinalcopy is defined let colmfinal = false def colmfinalcopy() = { colmfinal = true } // Font definitions let colmtenhv = font("phvb", size: 8pt) // Text layout set par(indent: 0pt, skip: 0.5pc) set list( indent: 3pc, leftmargin: 3pc, leftmargini: 3pc, leftmarginii: 2em, leftmarginiii: 1.5em, leftmarginiv: 1.0em, leftmarginv: 0.5em, topsep: 4pt + 1pt - 2pt, partopsep: 1pt + 0.5pt - 0.5pt, itemsep: 2pt + 1pt - 0.5pt, parsep: 2pt + 1pt - 0.5pt, ) // Footnote formatting set footnote( separator: line(length: 12pc, stroke: 0.5pt), skip: 9pt + 4pt - 2pt, ) // Font sizes with reduced leading let normalsize = font(size: 11pt) let small = font(size: 10pt) let footnotesize = font(size: 10pt) let scriptsize = font(size: 8pt) let tiny = font(size: 7pt) let large = font(size: 14pt) let Large = font(size: 16pt) let LARGE = font(size: 20pt) let huge = font(size: 23pt) let Huge = font(size: 28pt) // Title formatting def toptitlebar() = { line(length: 100%, stroke: 4pt + black) v(0.25in - parskip) } def bottomtitlebar() = { v(0.29in - parskip) line(length: 100%, stroke: 1pt + black) v(0.09in) } // Abstract styling def abstract(body) = { v(0.075in) center(text(size: large, weight: "bold", "Abstract")) v(0.5ex) quote(body) v(1ex) } // Section formatting def section(body) = { heading(level: 1, body) } def subsection(body) = { heading(level: 2, body) } def subsubsection(body) = { v(5pt) text(size: normalsize, weight: "normal", body) } // Title (includes both anonymized and non-anonimized versions) def maketitle(title, author) = { block(width: page.width, { v(0.1in) toptitlebar() center(text(size: LARGE, weight: "bold", title)) bottomtitlebar() if colmfinal { set head(left: "Published as a conference paper at COLM 2024") let author_block = block({ text(size: normalsize, weight: "bold", author) }) } else { set head(left: "Under review as a conference paper at COLM 2024") let author_block = block({ text(size: normalsize, weight: "bold", "Anonymous authors\nPaper under double-blind review") }) } center(author_block) v(0.3in - 0.1in) }) }
claude opus
- So, on Aug 5, 2024, I forgot about ideogram, and I tried asking the prominent Search+LLM interfaces with a very basic prompt
what is that image generation company founded by ex-google people?
From all went in a completely different direction with unrelated answers for top 4 results Gemini was absolutely spot in in what I was looking for Huh?? SearchGPT is confidently incorrect And Bing believes MetaAI is the right answer. Ah well, you all know Meta AI is not the right answer.
- Very often, I do not want to see a complete video and just want to know the main points in it. So, for example, I do not care about makeup videos much, but I am getting old and sometimes I need skin tints, and I do not know about makeup — so I wanted to know all the products listed in this video. From all models | Notice how models respond differently if you ask for “all products” vs “10 products” vs “15 products”
SearchGPT completely hallucinates the video content, title and creator This is perplexity pro, it doesn’t read off the video at all, so this isn’t worth testing Bing again completely hallucinates the title and the content of the video ChatGPT with search enabled is at least honest about not being able to read off youtube content. I decided to use a designed GPT for this purpose — and that ended up being completely correct. Note that the general model also has browsing enabled too Gemini kinda gets it right but ends up ignoring some of the products mentioned (that you can see in the above screenshot — it only gets 8/11)? But if you do not know how many products are mentioned, you will end up losing information here. And when you ask for all of them, Gemini starts wildly hallucinating.