- October
I submitted my thesis and joined Norm AI as a Member of Technical Staff. I will be working on evaluation and RAG.
- May
Defended my PhD titled Implicit Design Choices and Their Impact on Emotion Recognition Model Development and Evaluation. Read my acknowledgement page here Show information for the linked content .
- May
I was selected as one of the 8 Barbour fellows for 2022-2023 across all of UMich.
- November
Defended my PhD proposal titled Implicit Design Choices and Their Impact on Emotion Recognition Model Development and Evaluation. Read my acknowledgement page here
- October
I will be presenting our work on sociolinguistic inspired privacy evaluation at text as data (TADA) conference 2021, UMich, Ann Arbor.
- September
I am interning this Fall in Allen AI with Ana Marasović in the area of evaluation and interpretability.
- May
Excited to be interning in the FAIR NLP group this summer and looking forward to work at the intersection of Linguistics and ML.
- September
I have been chosen as the student representative for Faculty Hiring at my university for the 2020-21 season. Looking forward to knowing and communicating the 'usually hidden' processes.
- May
Excited to be interning in the Conversation AI group at Facebook AI working on automated dialogue evaluation.
- December
I'll be attending NeuRIPS. Shoot me an email if you want to meet and talk about anything!
- January
I'll be a teaching assistant for the course on Applied Machine Learning for Affective Computing with my advisor. So excited to be teaching for the first time!