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Show Only Appendix ToC

If you have ever wanted to create a Table of Contents section in appendix without the contents from the main paper — here is how you can do it.

\clearpage % Start on a new page

% Local command to print the header without affecting ToC or bookmarks
  {\large\bfseries #1\par}

% Print the local header
\localheader{Appendix Contents}

    \startcontents[appendix] % Start a new table of contents for the appendix
    \printcontents[appendix]{}{0}{% Print the appendix ToC
        \renewcommand{\contentsname}{}% Remove default "Contents" heading
Only appendix as table of contents
Only appendix as table of contents

The good part is that it still maintains proper bookmarks in the exported pdf — and you can still use \tabaleofcontents while drafting to get the complete Table of Contents.

Complete table of contents
Complete table of contents